Grounded Fantasy

Grounded Fantasy

This (very short) post is my attempt to explain what fantasy I like the most: Grounded Fantasy.

Grounded Fantasy is fantasy that has one foot firmly planted on solid ground, and one firmly planted in fantasy.

There is magic, but it’s not over-powered. There is the fantastic, but it meshes with harsh reality.

But what do I mean by “grounded”?

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Being Creative Vs Rules – A Small Rant

I am was a member of a lot of D&D groups and forums and one type of post comes up again and again.

It’s what I call the “Can I have…” post.

I see so many GMs posting on these forums “Can I have a vampire as a Patron for a Warlock?” Or “Is it possible for a Hill Giant to be a Wizard?”

I am not sure what these posters are actually looking for – whether it’s validation of their idea or permission to include these in their games.

Whatever the reason it strikes me as a contest of creativity vs. rules.

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How Would Nations And Governments View Wizard Schools

.How Would Nations And Governments View Wizard Schools

In this post we will explore the Wizard class and how the various spell schools could impact your campaign world.

The wizard uses a number of spell schools and specialist wizards (or those in 5e) use certain schools more than others.

With this in mind I got to thinking about how each spell school (and therefore wizard) would be perceived in the wider campaign world.

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Use Older Editions Of D&D As Past Eras In Your Campaign World

We all should know that Dungeons & Dragons has various editions that span five decades.

But what you may not know is that each edition has its own feel, vibe, and power level.

Generally speaking, with each edition (not including 4th) the power level of the game has increased.

In other words, characters (and monsters) start out and become more powerful much sooner.

What I would like to do in this post is explore the idea of past editions being past eras or epochs in your campaign world, rather than just older versions of the game you over-write.

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Creating A Pantheon Of Gods For Dungeons And Dragons

It’s tme to create a pantheon of gods for your D&D campaign!

I was watching Matt Colville’s video on creating a panteon of gods today and while I admire Matt’s level of detail I really don’t know if 1) it was the best way to create gods, and 2) if anyone (other than Matt) has time for that.

So, I want to show you an alternative way of creating some gods – which I have for my own sandbox world.

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Using Random Encounter Tables To Add History To Your World

One thing that makes a lot of the great D&D world, like Forgotten Realms, so good is they a steeped in history.

And this history comes to life to such an extent that it impacts on current events.

This is something I have always liked and something I wanted to add to my new sandbox campaign world.

However, it can be difficult to come up with so much vivid history for your own world. Or you may be too worried about what is happening now to give it much thought.

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How To Easily Create Cool Stuff For Your Campaign World

I love creating new and interesting things for my sandbox campaign world – new nations, tribes, organisations, locations, whatever!

But sometimes my imagination lets me down and I get stuck with what to create next.

When this happen I like to do one of my favourite things to shake me out of the mental/creative block – character generation.

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