My Ratings For Every Dungeons And Dragons Edition

My Ratings For Every Dungeons And Dragons Edition

I thought it would be fun to rate each edition of D&D.

This is completely down to personal taste and you are free to agree or disagree (feel free to do so in the comments below).

I have also added in some strengths and weaknesses for each. As well as a short blurb.

I am also going to be honest and upfront and say I have not played every edition – some of the earlier editions I haven’t played as I started with AD&D and haven’t had a chance to go back and play them all. I have noted this where appropriate.

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8 Takeaways From D20 Modern To Use In Your Dungeons & Dragons Campaign

8 Takeaways From D20 Modern To Use In Your D&D Campaign

If you are not familiar with D20 Modern, it is a system that came out at the height of the D20 boom in the 2000s, which was powered by D&D 3rd edition. 

Cashing in on the D20 craze, Wizard of the Coast released the D20 Modern around the same time as they released the D20 Star Wars RPG

I never got into D20 Modern at the time, although I did have a copy which I skimmed through, but I managed to grab one off on eBay recently, and found some gems in there. 

Here are my 8 take-aways from D20 Modern to use in my Dungeons & Dragons campaign. 

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Grounded Fantasy

Grounded Fantasy

This (very short) post is my attempt to explain what fantasy I like the most: Grounded Fantasy.

Grounded Fantasy is fantasy that has one foot firmly planted on solid ground, and one firmly planted in fantasy.

There is magic, but it’s not over-powered. There is the fantastic, but it meshes with harsh reality.

But what do I mean by “grounded”?

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How I Do Experience Points And Leveling In D&D

How I Do Experience Points And Leveling In D&D

How I give out experience points and how PCs level up in my Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. 

I have combined XP and levelling as they tend to go hand-in-hand.

First off, I am not a huge fan of experience points (XP) as they are written – in any edition of the game – for two main reasons:

  1. The calculations involved are onerous
  2. They reward certain behaviour

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Using Ability Scores In D&D To Define Your Character

Using Ability Scores In D&D To Define Your Character

Abilities scores define your character.

Of all the various editions of Dungeons and Dragons, nothing is as standardized (well, except using a D20) as the six abilities.

No matter how you generate them (or in which order you list them), Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are synonymous with the game.

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Old School Tools For D&D 5E

Guest Post - Old School Tools For D&D 5E

This is a guest post by Travis Miller.

There are some approaches to gaming that are common or assumed by players and Dungeon Masters of earlier editions of Dungeons and Dragons.

The versions of the game published by Wizards of the Coast were built on different assumptions. New fashions of play style came about partly because of the rule sets and partly because of generational differences between player groups.

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