Indie DnD Resources I Recommend

Indie DnD Resources I Recommend

Over on Twitter and Mastodon I tend to post recommendations of indie-created resources for Dungeons & Dragons that I love and use, or that seem like they may be useful to my followers.

I thought it would be a good idea to collect them all in a repository of sorts. An ever-expanding place to keep them all.

Below you will find all the resources – books, tools, and other PDFs – that I have recommended over the last several years. I will add to this list as time goes on.

They are organised in alphabetical order.


Basic Wilderness Encounters

Basic Wilderness Encounters

I have been reading this and I must say I am pretty impressed. It has some nice ideas on how to handle random encounters in D&D, and the encounter lists are pretty solid. Highly recommend! Get it at DriveThruRPG.


City of Golotha

City of Golotha

I just bought another Harn supplement. I am loving these books – so detailed with heaps of D&D inspiration! Get City of Golotha over at DriveThruRPG.


Fallen Justice (Super Hero TTRPG)

Fallen Justice Cover

If you are into your #SuperHero #TTRPG then you may like this. #OSR inspired. Get Fallen Justice from DriveThruRPG.

Feats of Exploration

Feats of Exploration

This is one of those titles that make you think you should have thought of it before now. A simple, straight-forward way to reward your PCs. Highly recommended. Get Feats of Exploration at DriveThruRPG.


Kuroi (Cyberpunk Skirmish Game)

Kuroi Solo Skirmish Game

For all of you who are into Cyberpunk goodness, this looks absolutely awesome! A cyberpunk solo small-scall skirmish battle game. Get Kuroi at DriveThrueRPG.


Harnworld World Guide

Harnworld World Guide

I finally pulled the trigger on this. Harnworld world guide is now mine. A great resource and inspiration, even if you don’t play Harnworld. Worldbuilding at its best! This is system-agnostic and just lore-goodness. Get Harnworld World Guide at DriveThruRPG.


Low Fantasy Gaming

Low Fantasy Gaming

A wonderfully dark and grounded fantasy game by Pickpocket Press. If you like your D&D low fantasy, then this is the ruleset for you. Highly recommend! Get Low Fantasy Gaming at DriveThruRPG.


Mining Guide

Mining Guide

I’ve been researching a lot on running a mine within D&D, and there are a few Indie TTRPG products that I have been looking at. One that stands out is this one: Mining Guide. Get the Mining Guide at DriveThruRPG.


Oh My Lost Darklords

Oh My Lost DarkLords Cover

A Collection of Thirteen Infamous Classes for Amoral, Chaotic, and Evil Player Characters. Need I say more?  Get Oh My Lost Darlords at DriveThruRPG

Old School Blue Map

Old School Blue Map

Need an old school map for a D&D dungeon crawl? This is pretty damn fine! And he has a bunch of others too! By Paratime Design. I need to get some of these myself. Get Old School Blue Maps at DriveThruRPG.


Sword of the Dragonslayer

Sword of the Dragonslayer

Another great product from Hellwinter Forge of Wonders. It pitches a party of level 4-6 D&D adventurers against a winged menace that lied in wait for long years. A great hex map is included as well. I highly recommend this. Get Sword of the Dragonslayer at DriveThruRPG.


Tales of the Wolf Guard

Tales of Wolfguard

Holy cow! If you are a fan of OSE D&D, then you need to grab this! With this single product, you have a complete setting. It’s professionally done & reads well. A great job by the author! I just bought it & am eating it all up. Get Tales of the Wolfguard at DriveThruRPG.

Town Builder

Town Builder

This looks pretty darn cool! A heap of D&D fantasy businesses to drop into your favourite town. Features an adventure hook, items they sell, fleshed-out NPCs, rumours, and more! Get Town Builder at DriveThruRPG.

While You’re Here…

Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.

I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.

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