How I Do Experience Points And Leveling In D&D

How I Do Experience Points And Leveling In D&D

How I give out experience points and how PCs level up in my Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. 

I have combined XP and levelling as they tend to go hand-in-hand.

First off, I am not a huge fan of experience points (XP) as they are written – in any edition of the game – for two main reasons:

  1. The calculations involved are onerous
  2. They reward certain behaviour

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Using Ability Scores In D&D To Define Your Character

Using Ability Scores In D&D To Define Your Character

Abilities scores define your character.

Of all the various editions of Dungeons and Dragons, nothing is as standardized (well, except using a D20) as the six abilities.

No matter how you generate them (or in which order you list them), Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are synonymous with the game.

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d12 Monthly Zine – Issue 1 – The Dungeon Issue

d12 Monthly zine - issue 1

With the popularity and positive feedback I got from Issue 0 of my zine, I have started to create a few more issue of d12 Monthly.

With the help of some great artists, who have made their art available for commercial use at reasonable prices, and with the help of my talented online buddy, Jon from Tale of the Manticore, I have been able to release Issue 1.

You can get it here: d12 Monthly – Issue 1

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