This is the first “fireside chat” podcast that I have put together and includes Ian from Black Dragon Games and Jon from Tale of the Manticore.
Featuring music by Squadda Bambino, as well as myself, Ian, and Jon answering D&D questions from the Twitter and Facebook TTRPG communities.
The theme was WorldBuilding and we managed to answer over a dozen question over an hour.
Listen and let us know what you think in the comments below, or on my Twitter.
Chat Breakdown
0:40 Introductions
1:45 Ian talks about playtesting his home campaign world, Bhakashal, and the D&D rules that go along with it
4:45 How Ian from Balck Dragon Games organises his multiple campaigns
7:50 Question: How to get started – start big or small? Questions from Alexthe MapMaker, Saxious, and NolaBert.
21:30 Free material to help you run your games.