d12 Monthly – Issue 45 – Weird Places

d12 Monthly - Issue 45 - Weird Places

Issue 45 of my Dungeons and Dragons zine, d12 Monthly, is out!

Issue 45 is the Weird Places issue. It will feature articles on weird demi-planes, a number of fey realms, a D100 table of strange encounters and happenings, and much more! (See below for details).

d12 Monthly Issue 45 FREE VERSION Cover

Download FREE version PDF |  Buy FULL PDF + Physical Copy

The FULL version contains 3 more articles!

Or you can join my Patreon and receive the FULL version in PDF for just US$2 per month, or a FULL version physical copy each and every month for a bit more. Plus, you will receive early release of each zine, updates, and the occasional free PDF.


Related Issues

Here is a list of past issues of d12 Monthly that you may find compliments this issue. A lot of my issues can be used with OSE quite easily, but here are some specific ones:

Issue 10: Monsters – This issue is dedicated to all things monsters. It contains articles on new monster traits, monster templates, a new stat block, and much more. 

Issue 6: Undead – Use this issue to bring your undead to life and enhance your bad guys.

Issue 12: SoloRPG – Create your own campaigns, build up your world, and most of all, have fun doing it! Plus much more.

Issue 13: OSE – An issue that will add to Old School Essential rules.

Past Issues

Free past issues are also available.

Issue 45 Contents

Issue 45 is the Weird Places issue, and includes all original hand-created content. It is the first of a trilogy of issues covering the weird.

FREE Version

The FREE version contains the following articles:

Feature Articles:

Fear the Fae – An article that features various fey realm for you to include in your campaign world.

Chronicler of the Unknown – This article details the Chronicler, who you can use as an NPC who knows of all these weird places.

Queen of Rainbows – An article that covers the Prismatic Court and the queen who is the head of it.

Familiar Features:

Character Building – All about handling memory loss in a roleplaying game.

Solo Spotlight A bunch of weird and wonderful prompts to get you started. 

Creature Feature – Features the Glowmarrow Beast.

Spellcraft – Introduces Wyrd Wells and what power lay within.

Adventure Location – features the weird of the wyrd.

Class ActsAllows you to build a Wyrd-Finder. 

FULL Version

The FULL Version also contains the following articles:

Feature Articles:

Mirage of a God – a Demi-Plane that you can use to confuse and befuddle your players.

Bizarre & Atmospheric – D100 weird encounters and happenings.

Artifacts of the Eldritch Frontier – Powerful magic items and artefacts tied to weird and magical places.


Want to feature in the zine in an upcoming issue? Feel free to contact me and let me know what you want to contribute.


Cover art by Dean Speancer

Art by Dean Spencer, Gary Fellmane, and SA Gary. 

Some Maps © 2022, Firehawk Games
Some Maps © 2022, Tim Dugger
Featuring art by Daniel F. Walthall, found at: drivethrurpg.com/product/181517, available under a CC BY 4.0 licence: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
All art ©, used with permission, all rights reserved. Some artwork provided by Zed Nope, and used with permission. Unless otherwise mentioned, all articles are written by Russ at YUMDM. 

Over to You

What did you think of the issue? Any favourite articles? Feel free to leave any feedback on this issue in the comments below!

While You’re Here…

Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.

I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.

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