Issue 39 of my Dungeons and Dragons zine, d12 Monthly, is out!
Issue 39 is the City Exploration issue. It will feature articles on locations you can drop into your city, using alignment to understand a city’s nature and that of the law enforcement, a new class, plus regular features like Solo Spotlight, Creature Feature, and Adventure Location, and much more! (See below for details).
Download FREE PDF version | Buy FULL PDF + Physical Copy
The FULL version contains 4 more articles!
Or you can join my Patreon and receive the FULL version in PDF for just US$2 per month, or a FULL version physical copy each and every month for a bit more. Plus, you will receive early release of each zine, updates, and the occasional free PDF.
Related Issues
Here is a list of past issues of d12 Monthly that you may find compliments this issue. A lot of my issues can be used with OSE quite easily, but here are some specific ones:
Issue 23: Cities & Towns – This issue is wholly dedicated to building and playing in various sized settlements, including cities.
Issue 24: Inns & Taverns – This issue is part of my urban arc and focuses in on those places where most adventures start: inns and taverns.
Issue 25: Sewers & Dark Places – Also part of my urban arc, this issue delves deep into the under-city, defining various parts of the hidden city.
Issue 26: Guilds & Factions – Finally, the guilds and factions issue focuses on various groups you can use to increase the lore and tension in your city-based campaigns.
Past Issues
Free past issues are also available.
Issue 39 Contents
Issue 39 is the Wilderness Exploration issue, and includes all original content.
FREE Version
The FREE version contains the following articles:
Feature Articles:
Every City Has A Story – Understanding how to describe your city to your players.
Places to Explore – City-based locations you can drop into your campaign cities.
Politics Aplenty – A list of government types and their leaders.
Lurking Monstrosities – A list of monsters that can be found in cities, broken up into various city areas.
Familiar Features:
Character Building – This month we introduce the Harbinger – a gnome variant bard.
Solo Spotlight – I give you a city random encounter table which lists both day and night encounters.
Creature Feature – This month we show how Doppelgangers could easily infiltrate a city.
Spellcraft – We list various spellcasting restrictions within city-limits.
Adventure Location – The Red Scorpion is a mysterious ship with disturbing rumours – can the PCs discern the truth?
Class Acts – I look at the Urban Druid and what is different about this eclectic druid from your standard wilderness variety.
FULL Version
The FULL Version also contains the following articles:
Feature Articles:
Halt! Who Goes There? – A list of city laws and rules based on the alignment of the city.
What’s Going On Here? – Develop what the city guards are likely do and react to the PCs’ actions based on the alignment of the city.
Justice Served – A new base class for Old School Essentials (OSE) – the Vigilante.
Street Smarts – A list of 3 new city-based Kits for OSE or similar fantasy game.
Want to feature in the zine in an upcoming issue? Feel free to contact me and let me know what you want to contribute.
Artists include: Cover art by Dean Spencer. Other art by Fat Goblin Games, Dean Spencer, and cartography stock art by Elven Tower Cartography.
Over to You
What did you think of the issue? Any favourite articles? Feel free to leave any feedback on this issue in the comments below! 🙂
While You’re Here…
Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.
Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.
I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.