Week 3 has been a busy week for me and YUMDM. And gaming, in general. I have a few new purchases, plus I have been working hard on my zines – playing catch-up since my extended illness late last year.
I am now technically on YouTube.
I want to see how it all goes over 2025 and see if it is worth having a YT channel or not.
I would love it if you subscribed and liked my videos – only two so far: one pre-recorded and one live. We will see how this goes.
TTRPG Purchases
I managed to receive a slew of roleplaying games over the last week, including:
Tales of Argosa
Not technically a recent purchase as this was Kickstarted last year, but I received by “black box” of Low Fantasy Gaming goodness.
I cannot recommend Tales of Argosa enough. I love it so much I dedicated a whole zine to it!
D20 Star Wars Rule Book
I grabbed this one cheap off eBay as I have fond memories of my characters when playing this game, and being old school Star Wars, I thought it should be in my collection.
Beneath the Sunken Catacombs
This one really surprised me. It was recommended by Immersive Dungeon Delving who I follow over on Instagram, and it is pretty damn cool. An OSR TTRPG that has strong character creation and very easy rules. Highly recommend this one.
White Box
This was gifted to me by a follower on Instagram, which was super nice of them. It’s a solid retro-clone of OD&D, and is nicely put together. I definitely recommend it. You can grab the PDF for free.
Two Expansions for Heroquest
I purchased the original Heroquest boardgame not that long ago, and decided to grab these two expansions while they were on sales at a local toy store.
They are pretty cool – heaps of new quests and some cool minis.
The Risk Boardgame
Okay, so not technically a roleplaying game, but I managed to grab this for AU$15 at a thrift store, which I thought was a nice pick-up.
I have also been busy working on Issues 43 & 44 of d12 Monthly (on Weird Magic & Weird Monsters, respectively). As well as some more editing on my Kickstarter project from last year (before I got sick) – the 1st Year Annual for d12 Monthly.
Apparently, I am a bit scattered this week (so much on, I guess), as I recorded a 25-minute YouTube video only to forget to press record. I also forgot to publish the FULL version of Issue 42 to Patrons and only realised after two of them messaged me.
New Solo Campaign
Finally, I started my new solo roleplaying campaign – The Caves of Conflict. My take on the Caves of Chaos in the module B2.
The PCs – all 8 of them! – hired a bunch of mercenaries and a couple of henchmen to accompany them to the caves, some 17-miles from the closest settlement, Darsildorf.
They managed to make it as far as the hills some 6-miles away to the north before encountering four serfs who survived an attack from a Ker Ghost, but their master was not as lucky.
Blog Posts
I have written a couple of blog posts recently: apart from the two for the last two issues of my zine (Issue 41 & Issue 42), I also wrote one on how great forums are for D&D and TTRPGs, in general. Plus a post on the importance of downtime in your Dungeons & Dragons campaigns.
Over to You
What have you been up to this past week. Any new games to tell me about?
While You’re Here…
Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.
Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.
I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.