DnD City-Based Campaigns

DnD City Campaigns

If you want to run a city-based campaign in Dungeons & Dragons (or any other clones/hacks), then I have a few zines and blog posts you may find useful.

Plus, I have added a couple of books I have bought and found quite useful for D&D city-based campaigns.

The first four zines are all focused on building out your city, while the final two can help you create some random tables, and deities for your campaign.

The blog posts are about using alignments to add flavour to your cities, and also how cities could restrict spellcasting via laws and bans. All for the safety of its citizens.


Issue 23 – Cities and Towns

Issue 24 – Inns & Taverns

Issue 25 – Sewers & Dark Places

Issue 26 – Guilds & Factions

Issue 27 – Random Encounters

Issue 30 – Deities & Demi-Gods


Using Alignments to Add Character to D&D Cities

Spellcasting Laws In Myrbridge

How Would Nations And Governments View Wizard Schools

Books & Other Resources

City of Golotha

City of Golotha

I just bought another Harn supplement. I am loving these books – so detailed with heaps of D&D inspiration! Get City of Golotha over at DriveThruRPG.

Town Builder

Town Builder

This looks pretty darn cool! A heap of D&D fantasy businesses to drop into your favourite town. Features an adventure hook, items they sell, fleshed-out NPCs, rumours, and more! Get Town Builder at DriveThruRPG.