Web Enhancement – Muses in D&D

Website Enhancement - Muses

Muses are beings who embody the arts, inspiration, and creative endeavours. 

They are considered the source of knowledge and inspiration for poets, musicians, artists, and other creative individuals. 

Traditionally, Muses were part of the Greek pantheon, but in Dungeons & Dragons, Muses can be sent by any of the deities to inspire their artistic followers granting them the ability to create their finest works. 

This can be a great way to reward bards, or other creative individuals, among your PCs. 

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Website Enhancement – Using Alignments to Add Character to D&D Cities

Website Enhancement - Using Alignments to Add Character to D&D Cities

A web enhancement for d12 Monthly, Issue 23 (Cities & Towns).

Sometimes articles get cut from the final issue for a number of reasons, so I have decided to include them as bonus web content. Enjoy! 

Alignments in Dungeons & Dragons cause a lot of consternation and there is a lot of disagreements on how to use them, with some companies jettisoning them altogether.

And I do tend to agree that the nine point alignment system used in AD&D, and all editions since, when used on a personal level, isn’t the best.

It’s the D&D equivalent of horoscopes – trying to group everyone into 12 star signs.

However, there are areas where these alignments can be useful.

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Web Enhancement – More Trees & Their Resources

Web Enhancement - Trees & Their Resources

A web enhancement for d12 Monthly, Issue 22 (Forests & Jungles).

This post is an extension of the Bountiful Harvest article in issue 22, which lists a number of trees and the resources they provide. Enjoy! 

I couldn’t possible have listed all of the trees in the zine and I had to cut many that I wanted to include. Below is a list of three more trees and the resources they provide.

These can be used to add a little more realism and flavour to your campaign world; and to give druids, rangers, elves, and other nature types something to use for character building.

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Web Enhancement – The Life of a Centaur in D&D

Web Enhancement - Centaurs

A web enhancement for d12 Monthly, Issue 22 (Forests & Jungles).

Sometimes articles get cut from the final issue for a number of reasons, so I have decided to include them as bonus web content. Enjoy! 

Centaurs in Dungeons & Dragons are misplaced in the world.

Somewhere along the lines they ended up as forest-dwelling fey.

This has always seemed a little odd to me as, given they are half horse, they would want – and need – a place to gallop and roam.

In Aythia, my D&D campaign world, they live on the plains and hills, being close to forests, but mainly for hunting purposes.

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Web Enhancement – New Monster – Ahool

Web Enhancement - Ahools

A web enhancement for d12 Monthly, Issue 21 (Hills & Mountains). Sometimes articles get cut from the final issue for a number of reasons, so I have decided to include them as bonus web content. Enjoy! 

This one is mentioned in the random tables on page 13, but the creature was cut due to space. I have included it here as I was asked about it. 


Ahools are a bat-primate mix, having large crimson, bat-like wings. With a wingspan of approximately 22-ft, it appears much bigger than it is.

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