Web Enhancement – Necrodominus Codex

Web Enhancements - Necrodominus Codex

This is a web enhancement for Issue 28 of d12 Monthly

The Necrodominus Codex is an ancient tome which was created by a powerful and resourceful necromancer centuries ago.

It has been lost for a long time, but it has passed through many hands throughout the years since its creation. And it contains spells and rituals related to necromancy and the creation of undead.

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Sandbox D&D Campaigns – Dealing With The Misconceptions

Sandbox D&D Campaigns - Dealing With The Misconceptions

Recently, I posted a question on X/Twitter asking why sandbox worlds were so popular in the video game space, and quite frequently resisted or derided in the TTRPG space. 

A lot of the comments I received were saying that it was too hard to create a sandbox campaign, it would take years, it would require a GM to dedicate months and years to creating the world, and so on. 

But this is all incorrect. 

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Web Enhancement – 12 Minor Magic Items For D&D

Web Enhancement - 12 Minor Magic Items For D&D

This is part of an on-going Web Enhancement series

In issue 25 of my Dungeons & Dragons zine, d12 Monthly, there is an article by Mike Pike on creating random minor magical items. You can find Issue 25 for free on this site.

It allows you to create some truly special mundane minor magic items for your PCs to find.

In this post I want to list 12 minor magic items I created separate of the table, just in case you don’t have time to roll up your own.

Hopefully you can use these minor magic items in your D&D campaigns.

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Web Enhancement – Deity of Musicians And Artists For D&D

Web Enhancement - Deity of Musicians And Artists For D&D

This is part of an on-going Web Enhancement series

As part of creating my own campaign world, where all my Dungeons & Dragons games are played, I have created 12 Major Deities. 

These are the main deities, but I also have fun adding minor deities using various techniques, but a great deal of them come from my players.

Every now and then however, I have the need to create another deity.

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