With the popularity and positive feedback I got from Issue 0 of my zine, I have started to create a few more issue of d12 Monthly.
With the help of some great artists, who have made their art available for commercial use at reasonable prices, and with the help of my talented online buddy, Jon from Tale of the Manticore, I have been able to release Issue 1.
You can get it here: d12 Monthly – Issue 1
All issues of d12 Monthly are currently free!
If you want to help support this project (and help keep them free), I have a Patreon which I just launched that will help me develop these zines into something truly great.
Issue Themes
I have decided that all future issue will have a theme, which means each issue will contain a lot of articles and useful information about that particular theme (but not exclusively).
Issue 1’s theme is Dungeons.
Want to feature in the zine in an upcoming issue? Feel free to contact me via Twitter and let me know what you want to contribute.
Issue 1 Contents
Issue 1 contains the following:
D8 Dungeon Generator – helping you create a random 5-room dungeon in under 15 minutes. This also includes an example orc stronghold you can use immediately.
Levelling Up Your Encounters – Not so much an article its self, but it introduces the next three articles which will help you create a well-rounded random encounter, plus gives an example.
Corner Table – This month’s random encounter table is for a ruined underground temple. It contains a mix of traditional monsters and some more deadly ones, as well as one new monster.
Encounter Distance – This is a table that you can use to simply and quickly determine how far away an encounter is.
What the Hell Are the Monsters Doing? – Taken from an article on this site, it completes the trilogy of articles and provides a table to let you understand what the monster is doing when encountered.
Building a New Monster – This article show you how you can tweak existing monsters to create new ones to entertain and surprise your players.
Building a Quick NPC – Building on the MAP article from Issue 0, this one gives you some random tables to roll on when creating an NPC.
Location, Location, Location – This month we introduce two new locations and three new locals within Dolfar, our small town from Issue 0. As well as the basement dungeon of Quiss – our resident wererat assassin and oil-maker from Issue 0.
Maps of Inn

Printed Copy
If you want a printed copy, you will need to do this yourself (unless you are quick and support me on Patreon.
Adobe has a guide to print it so it becomes a booklet. Or simply follow the below settings when printing from Adobe PDF Reader.
Looking Forward
As I mentioned above, I have already started working on the next few issues and wanted to share with you some articles coming up in Issue 2, which will have the theme of Death.
I am looking at introducing a “Letter to the Editor” type column which will include your feedback from previous issues, so please feel free to email me with any feedback.
Issue 2, coming out in June, will also feature the following:
Death-Defying Injuries – An injury table and system for giving PC injuries instead of killing them.
Death Rites – Different ways various cultures deal with their dead.
Death-Defying Artifacts – Magical items you can use at your own risk.
Ullarl: The Deity of Death and Loss – Introducing one of the gods I use in my own campaign world of Aythia.
And much much more – at this stage it will be 20 pages in length!
While You’re Here…
Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.
Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.
I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.
Great posts! Really love your content!
Would love to work together with you. My website is 5EGuide.com.
Hi Nicolas
Thanks for that! I really appreciate it. I don’t play a lot of 5e these days, but let me know what you have in mind and happy to have a chat about it. Best place to contact me is via my Twitter DM: https://twitter.com/yum_dm
Great stuff! Haven’t seen anything this polished since Polyhedron. Keep up the good work!
Wow! That’s a great compliment. Thanks heaps and I am super glad you like it.