d12 Monthly – Issue 40 – Halloween 2024

d12 Monthly - Issue 40 - Halloween 2024

Issue 40 of my Dungeons and Dragons zine, d12 Monthly, is out!

Issue 40 is the Halloween 2024 issue. It will feature articles on treasure you will find in a Hag’s lair, a hag’s coven generator, a good witch, building the best hag-hunter, and much more! (See below for details).

d12 Monthly Issue 40 FULL VERSION Cover

Download FREE version PDF |  Buy FULL PDF + Physical Copy

The FULL version contains 2 more lengthy articles!

Or you can join my Patreon and receive the FULL version in PDF for just US$2 per month, or a FULL version physical copy each and every month for a bit more. Plus, you will receive early release of each zine, updates, and the occasional free PDF.


Related Issues

Here is a list of past issues of d12 Monthly that you may find compliments this issue. A lot of my issues can be used with OSE quite easily, but here are some specific ones:

Issue 4: Arcane Magic – This issue is wholly dedicated to arcane magic, which you can use to augment your hags and witches.

Issue 10: Monsters – Use this issue to create and add to your hag’s minions.

Issue 11: Familiars & Followers – Use this boost your witch’s familiar even more.

Issue 14: Fey – Hags are half fey and connected to that realm. Use this issue to boost the hag’s fey connections.

Past Issues

Free past issues are also available.

Issue 40 Contents

Issue 40 is the Halloween 2024 issue, and includes all original content.

FREE Version

The FREE version contains the following articles:

Feature Articles:

Which Witch is Which – This is a short article on the differences between hags and witches.

A Pinch Of This, A Dab Of That – This is a hag coven generator that you can use to create a coven in just a few dice rolls.

Not All Witches Need To Be Feared – This highlights a good witch, Elysande, the Willow Witch, and goes into details about her role and places she can be found.

Tell Me a Tale – A list of rumours about hags which you can sprinkle throughout your session to keep players guessing.

Familiar Features:

Character Building – This month we take a look at building a hag-hunter and what classes and races would be best.

Solo Spotlight – An unusual list of items you will find if you manage to loot a hag’s lair.

Creature Feature – This month we give you a sample witch, Ysora Grimveil. Someone not to trifle with.

Spellcraft – These spells are most vile and horrid and can be used for hags or evil witches.

Adventure Location – This always moving Gnarled Oak is a monster, plus the lair of a particularly evil hag, Veldra Rotbreath.

Class Acts – And finally we look at new spells for a witch’s familiar.

FULL Version

The FULL Version also contains the following articles:

Feature Articles:

What Creeps, What Weeps – A detailed list of what you could find in a hag’s lair, broken down into types, like brews, bones & remains, and many more.

Night Visitors – An article detailing how hags steal babies , replacing them with their own offspring, and how the hag-spawn is created as she grows.


Want to feature in the zine in an upcoming issue? Feel free to contact me and let me know what you want to contribute.


Artists include: Cover art by Dean Spencer. Other art by Dean Spencer, and Postmortem Studios. 

Over to You

What did you think of the issue? Any favourite articles? Feel free to leave any feedback on this issue in the comments below! 🙂

While You’re Here…

Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.

I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.

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