Five 2nd-Level Spells In D&D Better Than Web

Five 2nd-Level Spells In D&D Better Than Web

We all know the Web spell is the go-to spell for 3rd-level mages all over. It is a versatile spell and can deal with a lot of weak opponents. But there are better spells out there.

This is a follow-up to my post, Five 1st-Level Spells In D&D Better Than Magic Missile.

As in that post, I will list five spells from OSE/Basic, and D&D3e, that are better than Web.

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Web Enhancement – Necrodominus Codex

Web Enhancements - Necrodominus Codex

This is a web enhancement for Issue 28 of d12 Monthly

The Necrodominus Codex is an ancient tome which was created by a powerful and resourceful necromancer centuries ago.

It has been lost for a long time, but it has passed through many hands throughout the years since its creation. And it contains spells and rituals related to necromancy and the creation of undead.

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How Would Nations And Governments View Wizard Schools

.How Would Nations And Governments View Wizard Schools

In this post we will explore the Wizard class and how the various spell schools could impact your campaign world.

The wizard uses a number of spell schools and specialist wizards (or those in 5e) use certain schools more than others.

With this in mind I got to thinking about how each spell school (and therefore wizard) would be perceived in the wider campaign world.

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