Web Enhancement – The Life of a Centaur in D&D

Web Enhancement - Centaurs

A web enhancement for d12 Monthly, Issue 22 (Forests & Jungles).

Sometimes articles get cut from the final issue for a number of reasons, so I have decided to include them as bonus web content. Enjoy! 

Centaurs in Dungeons & Dragons are misplaced in the world.

Somewhere along the lines they ended up as forest-dwelling fey.

This has always seemed a little odd to me as, given they are half horse, they would want – and need – a place to gallop and roam.

In Aythia, my D&D campaign world, they live on the plains and hills, being close to forests, but mainly for hunting purposes.

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Web Enhancement – New Monster – Ahool

Web Enhancement - Ahools

A web enhancement for d12 Monthly, Issue 21 (Hills & Mountains). Sometimes articles get cut from the final issue for a number of reasons, so I have decided to include them as bonus web content. Enjoy! 

This one is mentioned in the random tables on page 13, but the creature was cut due to space. I have included it here as I was asked about it. 


Ahools are a bat-primate mix, having large crimson, bat-like wings. With a wingspan of approximately 22-ft, it appears much bigger than it is.

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d12 Sites – Issue 5 – Haunted Tavern

d12 Sites Zine - Issue 5

Haunted Tavern is Issue 5 of d12 Sites, my location zine for Dungeons & Dragons.

d12 Sites is a zine that covers a new location you can drop anywhere in your own D&D campaign world.

Issue 5 is covers a haunted tavern. It features a rundown tavern in the centre of a city or town which is now given a wide birth from the locals as it is known to be haunted. Even the settlement’s officials seem to just ignore it.

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