Darsildorf Experiment – Solo Roleplay Campaign (Session 1)

Darsildorf Experiment – Solo Roleplay Campaign (With Updates)

The Darsildorf Experiment is a campaign that I’m running as a solo roleplay, and I thought updates and notes on how I run my SoloRPG campaigns would be helpful.

I will be updating this as I play the campaign. So bookmark it and check back.

Here you will find two types of notes:

      1. A campaign log, featuring updates; and
      2. Notes on some of the behind-the-scenes and me explaining why I play the way I do (these will be written in a grey-coloured text).

I will be using my homebrew version of B/X for this campaign. Continue reading “Darsildorf Experiment – Solo Roleplay Campaign (Session 1)”

A Simple Oracle For Solo Roleplaying

A Simple Oracle For Solo Roleplaying

Oracles are an essential part of solo roleplaying.

They fill in the role of GM to a large extent, throwing up additions to the evolving story as we probe and ask questions of the world and the events within.

There are a few well-known oracles that take up whole books, filled with tables and outcomes, but what I want to promote here is a very easy to use, and fast, oracle which is not only versatile, but also completely free.

It involves a simple D6.

Continue reading “A Simple Oracle For Solo Roleplaying”