What’s Happening At YUMDM

What I Have Been Working On

I have way more ideas than I have time for.

Due to this, I start a fair few smaller projects that take quite a while to come together (I think this is why I like producing a monthly zine – it keeps my mind on one thing for a while).

This is the first of a regular series of blog posts that will explain what I am working on, and my thoughts on various aspects of the TTRPG hobby.

This is in addition to the major projects I have planned for the next couple of years.

d12 Monthly Annual

First up, I am busy editing the d12 Monthly Annual I Kickstarted a couple of months back. About 1/4 of the artwork is completed, and I have lined up a proof-reader to go over it once the editing is complete.

I am also sending a test print job to make sure the print settings are correct.

New Sandbox Campaign

I am starting a new online sandbox campaign with two friends (maybe three) as I want to keep the numbers low for this campaign.

This will probably start in November/December 2014.

I am introducing two new concepts in this campaign – one is using a matrix-style (not the movie) gaming concept that really intrigues me.

Although, I have tinkered with the concept (as I always do) to make it a better fit for my campaign, and to expand on the rules a little.

This will impact my campaign world from a higher perspective which I find fascinating. It will also affect the PCs in this campaign (and possibly others).

I’m also starting the PCs with a rundown farm that they need to manage as well as adventure. I am hoping this will offer some choices for the PCs.

For example, they could spend their money on upgrading their equipment or hiring a mercenary to adventure, or they may elect to spend that money on improving the farm.

If they don’t improve the farm and start producing food, then they will lose it.

Rules for this are loosely based on the Five Torches Deep Homestead publication, but I have (again) tinkered with it and changed it to better suit my campaign.

New 1-Hour Session Sandbox Campaign

I am also starting another online campaign in November/December 2014, but this one will be open to anyone, and consist of an open-table format. You can find out more about it by following the link.

This will be a mega-dungeon crawler, and consist of short, one-hour sessions.

Solo Campaigns

I am currently running my OSE solo campaign, but I am planning on running more than this, but I am waiting for a logical stopping point for this current campaign (probably when the PCs rid the old silver mines of the Kobold problem, or die trying).

You can follow along with this campaign in blog form.

Skirmish War Games

I have been getting into small, skirmish-sized wargames lately.

This is unusual for me as I have never been a war gamer, but there are two reasons for this.

        1. I am looking for a wargame I can use to fight larger battles in my D&D campaign world;
        2. There are some fun looking indie skirmish games out there.

I was inspired by this video by Gray Army Gaming that shows off his own simple skirmish wargame.

I may use that as a loose base to create my own version as this seems the easiest way to go. I have a few ideas floating around my head, but nothing down on paper yet.

I am also looking at purchasing Deth Wizards as it’s a unique take, and just looks like a lot of fun. You play a necromancer who commands undead creatures (all those you are familiar with from the D&D-scape) who terrorises the common folk.

Death Wizards cover

I have watched a couple of playthroughs over at The Tabletop Engineer (a really nice guy, by the way, and worth a follow), and I really like what I see.

Miniature Hunting

Given my new-found interest in skirmish wargaming, I want to have a decent selection of miniatures and thought about the best way to get minis cheaply.

I decided it is worth purchasing a few of the D&D boardgame boxed sets which have dozens of minis included with them.

I managed to find a new & sealed Wrath of Ashardalon on eBay for a decent prince already, but I am also looking at Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Castle Ravenloft, Temple of Elemental Evil, and Tomb of Annihilation.

Depending on the price you pay for one of these games, miniatures cost around AU$1.40 to $2.80 per mini – not bad at all!

Wrath of Ashardalon board game

The one I purchased off eBay worked out to be AU$1.42 each. Plus I get a bunch of tokens and boards I can use for various TTRPG-related games.

Basically, I am buying them to strip off the good stuff. Not for playing them.

Halfling Caravan Generator

I have been sitting on this one for a while now. I have even been using it in my current solo D&D campaign. I will be trying to get this finished in the next month of so, and release it soon.

It basically generates a halfling caravan for you with a few rolls.

I made this as halflings in my campaign world dwell in these always moving caravans that stay at various settlements to entertain and sell goods.

A 2D6 one-adventurer solo TTRPG

I am working on a simple 2D6 solo TTRPG for just one adventurer.

I usually run solo D&D campaigns running a group of characters, but I thought it would be a nice change to just use one adventurer. It is heavily inspired by the old Fighting Fantasy series of gamebooks.

Several Blog Posts

I also have several blog posts in the pipeline that I need to finish. It’s not unusual for a blog post to take me months to complete and publish.

That’s It – Over to You

That’s all I can think of currently. Over to you – let me know what you are working on, and what you are looking forward to from the list above.

While You’re Here…

Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.

I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.

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