d12 Monthly Zine - Issue 22 (Forests And Jungles)
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Product Details
Issue 22 of d12 Monthly is jam-packed with a lot of content and contains the following feature articles:
All Shades of Green – All about the various types of forests and jungles, including climate, and flora and fauna information.
Bountiful Harvest – A list of tree types and the resources you can get from them.
You’re Going in There? – A list of plant monsters from AD&D, D&D 2nd, and D&D 3e.
From Whence They Came – Random Encounter Tables.
Zombie Trees & Ghoulish Vines – Undead plants!
Bloodwood Forest – A new adventure location.
And much more!
This is also the fifth in the Wilderness series of issues.
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d12 Monthly Zine - Issue 22 (Forests And Jungles)
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