Scheduled Projects

Scheduled Projects

I tend to have a LOT of ideas for creative projects – a lot of them fit nicely into my zines – but I do have a great deal of ideas that I want to turn into projects that I can publish outside of the zine format.

This page is really about those projects – be they just ideas, or projects that I have started working on and will complete over the next year or two.

I will update this page as time goes on and I decide how to publish these. Any major updates or releases on these scheduled projects I will post on this site in the form of blog posts. Once these are up I will add links below.

I will try and put release dates when and where I can, but a good portion of these will not have dates associated with them, or the dates will be fairly loose.


These projects are all in addition to the monthly zines I produce.

d12 Monthly Zine Annuals

I am working to put together the first annual book that will feature the first year of articles from d12 Monthly (Issues 0-7) all updated with new, original art. If this is successfully kickstarted, then I will release the other years in the future.

Timeline: The Kickstarter has been completed and successfully funded! The book itself should be ready by March, 2025.

Online D&D Game

I will be hosting an hour-long online D&D dungeon crawl campaign, using OSE, which will commence sometime in April 2025.

It will be an open table game which will have scheduled and non-scheduled sessions for whoever is wanting to play.

Monster Manual & Book of Lairs

Update August 8, 2024: I am combining these two into one book.

This one involves releasing a monster manual that is more than just stat blocks and hit points. I envision this to be a book for those GMs who want to add monsters and animals into their world where it makes sense. It will include geographic and environmental information for each monster, and many more useful details.

It will also feature an example lair for each monster.

Timeline: I will starting this project in April 2025 with a new monster each month.

An Alternative Player’s Guide for Old School Essentials

I am working on an alternative Players Guide for OSE which will provide new options for races, classes, and characters in general.

Timeline: I have already started this project, and want to focus on it in the second quarter of 2025 (April).


I am working on my own table-top role-playing game project.

It is based on the old B/X rules and will be completely useable with that edition or OSE. A lot of new rules and mechanics have been added – many of them inspired by old school D&D, plus a few original ones.

Update August 8, 2024: I am working on this continual from now until the Kickstarter. See below for timeline.

Timeline: This has been shelved for the time being.

Solo Roleplaying

This is a goal for 2025. I want to do much more of it in the coming year. And not just solo Dungeons & Dragons. I am thinking about D6 Star Wars (set in the Zahn sequel era), and Twilight 2000. I am also looking at using Leading Edge’s Aliens for a solo campaign arc.

I have also started a new D&D OSE campaign and it is going well. You can read the updates in the articles Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, and Session 4.

Timeline: I started this in March of 2024, and it will continue throughout the year as time permits.

Developing Aythia

I really want to start developing and documenting my home campaign world of Aythia online . It’s a mid-level fantasy campaign world that very much follows the grounded fantasy theme.

Material will be posted on this site as blog posts as I finalise them, which will all link from a centralised page. I can see PDFs being available in my store and on DriveThruRPG as well.

Timeline: I will starting this in May 2025, and I see it being ready for a Kickstarter in July 2026 (yes, I plan this far ahead!).