d12 Monthly – Issue 41 – Downtime

d12 Monthly - Issue 41 - Downtime

Issue 41 of my Dungeons and Dragons zine, d12 Monthly, is out!

Issue 41 is the Downtime issue. It will feature articles on running downtime, adding it well into your campaign, simple rules for building a business, and much more! (See below for details).

NOTE: Just a note on the cover image. I bought this stock art thinking it was hand-created by the artist, but it seems to be AI art. I did not know it at the time, and wished I had. Unfortunately, the zines were already printed.

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Book Of Lairs – DnD 2nd Edition

Book Of Lairs – DnD 2nd Edition

The Book of Lairs for the 2nd edition of Dungeons & Dragons came out in 1994 (I still remember buying it in my local gaming store).

It is a series of short encounters (usually 2-3 pages in length) based on a monsters from either the MC3: Monstrous Compendium, Volume Three: Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989) and MC11: Monstrous Compendium, Forgotten Realms Appendix II (1991).

This post has a handy table to help expand on the book, and make it more useful to Gamemasters.

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It’s Not Just “Dungeons & Dragons” Anymore

It’s Not Just “Dungeons & Dragons” Anymore

You cannot ask a question about Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) these days without clarifying what edition or hack you play.

And, I believe (and will hopefully show) that a lot of the misunderstandings (and prerequisite name-calling and bickering) between disparate D&D communities is due to not defining what edition they are playing and/or talking about.

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Why DnD Will Always Be A Pen & Paper Game

Why DnD Will Always Be A Pen & Paper Game

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) has evolved a lot since it first emerged in the 1970s, but despite all the fancy apps, virtual tabletop tools, and digital aids, one thing remains constant: D&D is, at its heart, a pen-and-paper game.

And it always will be.


Because what makes D&D special has more to do with imagination and the social, creative experience than anything that technology can replicate.

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A List Of Old School DnD Sandbox Adventures

A List Of Old School DnD Sandbox Adventures

I don’t like most adventures written for Dungeons & Dragons as they tend to be rather linear.

Having stated that, there are some adventures out there that are more like sandboxes: they have a basic background story and world to them, but they rely on players making choices about where they go and what they do.

They are a series of locations that the PCs can explore at their leisure.

Below are a series of old school & OSR sandbox adventures that I have found quite enjoyable and useful. This includes five official modules, and nine indie adventures. 

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What’s Happening At YUMDM

What I Have Been Working On

I have way more ideas than I have time for.

Due to this, I start a fair few smaller projects that take quite a while to come together (I think this is why I like producing a monthly zine – it keeps my mind on one thing for a while).

This is the first of a regular series of blog posts that will explain what I am working on, and my thoughts on various aspects of the TTRPG hobby.

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