Caves Of Conflict – Session 1

Caves Of Conflict – Session 1

The Dungeons & Dragons module B2: The Keep on the Borderlands is a classic adventure dating back to 1979.

It’s famous for being one of the first “sandbox” adventures and countless adventurers have explored the caves over the past decades.

The Caves of Conflict

I am putting my own spin on this classic module, which I am calling the Caves of Conflict, for my next solo campaign.

Caves of Conflict

Adventurers fresh from the classic dungeon from the AD&D DMG will now go where many have gone before, and tackle the caves.

However, I will only be using the map of the caves and not the write up in the module.

Like I did with the map from the DMG, I will explore the map of the caves, but new monsters and other dangers will be inside these famous caves.

Thus, making this adventure my own.

What will I find?

No idea, but it should be a fun journey.

I am looking at using the monster tables from the Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Referee’s Tome, which should give me enough monsters to pull from.

The Journey Begins…

The journey started on the 20th day of Lucindar (the height of Summer), when the PCs agreed to the Mayor’s request to explore the caves north of the small town of Darsildorf (where the characters spend most of their time).

The PCs then spent the next day hiring 8 mercenaries and 2 henchmen (two fighters) to take with them on the journey. The idea is for a camp to be set up a few miles from the caves for the characters to retreat to after each exploration of the caves. The mercs will guard the camp while the characters explore.

There are 8 PCs, plus the two henchmen, that will enter the caves. They are all 1st level, except the human shaman, who is 2nd, and the dwarven shaman and human priest, who are both 3rd level.

Together with three mules and as many horses, the posse heads out on the 23rd Day of Lucindar. Unfortunately, its a miserable day with overcast skies turning into pelting rain for most of the day.

The PCs and company travelled north from Darsildorf, led by the ranger, Kinaston. He was scouting ahead* of the main force, making sure they weren’t ambushed en route.

* In Issue 7 I have rules for this. Each person in the party can take on a role when travelling. The scout lessens the chance of an ambush, but if seen, they are 1D4 rounds away from the rest of the group.

They made it as far as the hills east of The Silver Spires (two large mountains) before encountering some serfs* who had an encounter with a Ker Ghost some hours before. They survived, but their master was not so lucky.

* This was a wondering encounter. I used a word table to determine why the serfs were there, rolling: maim, climb, giggle. I lent into the first two words, coming up with their party being attacked by another random encounter roll (a Ker Ghost). 

The PCs told them to head south along the western side of Fennel woods towards Darsildorf, where they would find shelter in the temple of Venren (the deity of protection).

Next Session

That’s where I ended the session. In the next session, the PCs will travel north-west towards the caves, and look for a safe place to camp nearby.

While You’re Here…

Since 2021 I have been publishing d12 Monthly, a monthly zine, which has a ton of articles for any edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Printed copies are available in my store. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG and you can get both, plus support my work, via my Patreon.

I will also be releasing some more products in the near future.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my contact page any time.

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