What’s Happening At YUMDM

What I Have Been Working On

I have way more ideas than I have time for.

Due to this, I start a fair few smaller projects that take quite a while to come together (I think this is why I like producing a monthly zine – it keeps my mind on one thing for a while).

This is the first of a regular series of blog posts that will explain what I am working on, and my thoughts on various aspects of the TTRPG hobby.

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d12 Monthly – Issue 39 – City Exploration

d12 Monthly - Issue 39 - City Exploration

Issue 39 of my Dungeons and Dragons zine, d12 Monthly, is out!

Issue 39 is the City Exploration issue. It will feature articles on locations you can drop into your city, using alignment to understand a city’s nature and that of the law enforcement, a new class, plus regular features like Solo Spotlight, Creature Feature, and Adventure Location, and much more! (See below for details).

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