
d12 Monthly Zine - Issue 44 (Weird Monsters) - Physical + PDF

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Product Details

Issue 44 is the Weird Monster issue. It will feature articles on corrupted flora & fauna and undead, a guest post on making better monsters, combining monsters, and much more! (See below for details).

Feature Articles:

The Unnatural - An article covering corrupted flora and fauna.

The REDS Method - A guest article by Cole covering a simple way to create new monsters - using the anacronym REDS.

Strange Even In Undeath - Corrupted Undead - even the non-living are affected by weird corrupting effects.

Mixing It Up! - Combine monsters to bring into life weird abominations. 10 new monsters listed, like the Carrion Sphinx, Slime Dragons, and Gelatinous Displacer.

The Weird And Wonderful - A weird monster generator. Use two tables to come up with a new monster. Like the Arcane Wolf, Ethereal Spider, or the Eldritch Jackal. Combine with the REDS methods article for a completed monster.

Familiar Features:

Character Building - All about monster-blooded heroes. All heroes are not created equally.

Solo Spotlight - A few random tables to give you some solo inspiration.

Creature Feature - The Hunger Below: a new creature which is more of a living location.

Spellcraft - Learning a monster's tongue can give your character new power, but beware the corruption!

Adventure Location - The Flesh Market: a place to find organic grafts of all types, but the cost could be deadly.

Class Acts - An example of a monster-blooded character.

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d12 Monthly Zine - Issue 44 (Weird Monsters) - Physical + PDF