
d12 Monthly Zine - Issue 41 (Downtime) - PDF Only

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Product Details

Issue 41 is the Downtime issue. It will feature articles on running downtime, adding it well into your campaign, simple rules for building a business, and much more! (See below for details).

Feature Articles:

One Day at a Time - An article defining what downtime is and when best to use it.

It’s All In A Day's Work - This article goes into depth on how to incorporate downtime into your campaign.

We Didn’t Start The Fire - A list of campaign events to kick off the next campaign after downtime or for solo play.

The Best Time To Start Is Now - A comprehensive list of downtime activities.

Always Learning - All about training and skill acquisition and improvement.

Getting On With Business - Simple rules to start and run a business.

Familiar Features:

Solo Spotlight - How to kickstart a Solo campaign.

Spellcraft - A list of spells to use during downtime.

Adventure Location - Sagelord Rhystros is a knowledgeable sage and powerful wizard, and he rarely shows himself.

Class Acts - A list of NPCs to visit while on some downtime.

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d12 Monthly Zine - Issue 41 (Downtime) - PDF Only